International Survey on the Classification of Areas


At the request of the French Safety Authority (ASN), a survey has been conducted by the CEPN to identify the rules applicable to the delineation of and access to radiation protection regulated areas in seven countries: Belgium, Spain, United States, Finland, United Kingdom, Sweden and Switzerland. This oral communication summarises the principal conclusions of the international survey focusing of

Read more: International Survey on the Classification of Areas

Preservation of Records and Memory for Long-Term Storage Facilities. The Results of a French Study


Due to the specific long lasting radioactivity of high level waste types, new issues may arise for radiation protection. In this perspective, technical, societal and organizational aspects have to be considered. For the two latter aspects, it is interesting to analyse the efficiency of protection systems available in other fields than nuclear waste management, in order either to

Read more: Preservation of Records and Memory for Long-Term Storage Facilities. The Results of a French Study

Conditions and Means of Developing a Radiation Protection Practical Culture within the Population in Post-Accident Situations


At the last IRPA conference in Buenos Aires (2008), the French nuclear safety authority (ASN) presented the approach implemented for the definition of a national doctrine related so the risk management during the post accidental period following a nuclear accident (so called “CODIRPA program”). The subject of the "Radiation Protection Practical Culture" was investigated in this framework, as identified as a key element of long-term rehabilitation of living conditions in territories

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Radiation Protection Aspects of Water Chemistry and Source-Term Management with a View of an ISOE Expert Group


Since 1992, the Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE, see, which was launched by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), has provided a forum for radiation protection professionals from nuclear electricity utilities and national regulatory authorities worldwide to share dose management information and operational experience to improve the optimisation of worker radiological protection at nuclear power plants. Since 1993, the International Atomic Energy

Read more: Radiation Protection Aspects of Water Chemistry and Source-Term Management with a View of an ISOE...