RELIR, Feedback Experience on Radiological Incidents

The CEPN and the French Society of Radiation Protection (SFRP) initiated the RELIR system in 2001. Its objective is to gather and make available events analysis relevant to the training of workers and prevention. The CEPN coordinates the network.



EAN, European ALARA Network

The EAN network was founded in 1996. It is conducted by a group of twenty experts who represent the European radiation protection authorities, research organizations and nuclear industrial operators. The objective of such a network is for its members to share experience and produce recommendations regarding the practical application of radiation protection optimization in all the exposure situations of both the workers and the public. The CEPN coordinates the network.

The high school “Radiation protection workshops”

Ateliers de la radioprotection

The high school “Radiation protection workshops” (Les ateliers de la radioprotection)

Since September 2007, CEPN organized jointly with the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) and the Sciences Pavilion of Franche-Comté, the 'Radiological Protection Workshops' with students of French and European schools. These workshops aim to develop a practical culture radiation protection at school by offering students multidisciplinary activities involving radiological protection.

The workshops are driven by secondary school teachers of scientific or literary disciplines in partnership with radiation protection experts, academics and researchers in the concerned disciplines. The topics covered in these workshops are diverse: from the scientific and technical foundations of radiation protection to the practical management of radon exposure, occupational exposure in the nuclear and industrial facilities, patient exposure in hospitals as well as the monitoring of radioactivity in the environment or in contaminated sites and territories...

The workshops are organized throughout the school year and include theoretical sessions provided by the teacher with the support of radiological protection experts and practical sessions such as handling measuring devices, visits technical installations, conducting of experiments.

Every year, an international meeting is organized in spring to allow students who participated in the workshops to present their work and interact with other students and radiological protection professionals.



ISOE, Information System on Occupational Exposures

Founded in 1992 by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the OECD and co-sponsored by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) since 1993, ISOE is a network of nuclear power plants operators and national radiation protection authorities. Its objective is the improvement of occupational radiation protection optimization. The CEPN is the European Technical Center of the system.



NERIS, European Platform on Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery.

The NERIS Platform was created in 2010. Its gathers about fifty organizations, all involved is the preparation and management of nuclear and radiological accidental situations. Its mission is to conduct a dialog forum and to favor methodological developments in this particular field. The CEPN is in charge of the platform’s technical secretariat and leads some working groups.



Sharing and increasing skills on radon risk management.

Radon is a radioactive gas naturally present in the soil. In the open air, radon is diluted and therefore present no danger. However, it can penetrate buildings and concentrate at levels that may present a risk for the occupants. Since 1987, radon has been classified as carcinogen for the lung by the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer). In mainland France, exposure to radon is estimated to be the cause of 3,000 deaths per year according to a 2018 study by IRSN (Institute for Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety) and Public Health France.

Radon is recognized as a public health issue by the national authorities. However, the general public is not aware of radon presence and radon is generally not considered for the construction or renovation of buildings.

To answer to this problem, the University of Bourgogne - d’Ingénierie et d'Architecture of Fribourg in Switzerland carried out the JURAD-BAT project, supported by the European cross-border cooperation program Interreg France-Switzerland (2016-2019), alongside with twenty French and Swiss partners, including the CEPN.

The objective of this collaborative project has been to develop a cross-border WEB (web) platform to inform the general public about radon and indoor air quality, to raise awareness and promote the training of building professionals and to support local and regional authorities in the management of radon risk.

The sharing of knowledge, skills and experience feedback between France and Switzerland has enabled the development of the JURAD-BAT platform, that can be viewed as an online toolbox for radon. The platform proposes:

  • general information and regulatory context about on indoor air quality and radon;
  • practical and technical sheets for the implementation of certain works;
  • geographic database (map);
  • training modules;
  • self-assessment informatics tool to identify radon entry points and propose solutions.