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Category: Programme
Published: Wednesday, 10 April 2013 14:13
The CEPN will continue its contribution to national and international reflections carried out with a view to facilitating the understanding of the foundations of the radiological protection system, in a context characterised both by the evolution of scientific knowledge, the transposition of new Basic Safety Standards into national regulations and the growing involvement of civil society in decision-making processes. In the framework of the current discussions on the implementation of the optimisation principle, the CEPN will contribute to methodological developments carried out in particular within the International Radiation Protection Association and the International Commission on Radiological Protection on the concepts of reasonableness and tolerability.
It should also be emphasized that the protection of the environment is now an integral part of the radiological protection system. In this context, the CEPN will undertake a watch on the implementation of the protection of the environment against the deleterious effects of ionising radiation, addressing both the impact of radiation on the non-human biota and the environment in a perspective of a heritage approach.
Work programme
- Radiological health risk assessment
- Methodological developments on concept of reasonableness in the implementation of the principle of optimisation of radiological protection
- Reflection on the concept of tolerability of risk
- Analysis of existing exposure situations management
- Watch on the integration of environmental protection approach and consideration of the concept of quality of the environment in risk assessment and risk management
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Category: Programme
Published: Wednesday, 10 April 2013 14:25
In the context of the new radiological protection regulations, the CEPN will initiate methodological development for the practical implementation of an integrated approach of occupational risk management.
It will continue supporting the implementation of optimisation of radiological protection during the design and operation / maintenance stages of nuclear facilities and radioactive waste storage facilities.
In particular, it will support the implementation and follow-up of actions undertaken to strengthen the operational management of projects with high radiological challenges and will contribute to the development of actions to strengthen the operational control of radiological cleanliness.
The CEPN will contribute to analysing and sharing of experience in the field of decommissioning of nuclear installations, at national and international level, and will participate in the discussions initiated within the framework of European research projects. It will also reflect on the issues of radiological protection and the societal aspects associated with the management of radioactive materials and waste. For these reflections, the CEPN will notably rely on the ISOE and EAN networks to draw lessons from international feedback experiences.
Work programme
- Methodological developments for the implementation of an integrated approach for the evaluation and management of occupational risks
- Supporting approaches for the management and optimisation of radiological protection during the design and operation of nuclear facilities
- Methodological development for the management and optimisation of radiological protection adapted to the specificities of facilities under decommissioning
- Sharing of experience on the management of releases from nuclear installations and on the methods of monitoring the environment
- Assessment of management options for radioactive materials and waste
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Category: Programme
Published: Wednesday, 10 April 2013 14:32
The new regulatory provisions for the management of existing exposure situations call for further developing reflections related to the management of exposure to radon and naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM). Thus, in addition to supporting territorial actions to favour the integration of radon risk management in the framework of indoor air quality improvement in dwelling, CEPN will get involved in the development of innovative approaches to radon risk management in the workplace.
Given the recent work of the International Commission on Radiological Protection and new obligations for industries using NORMs, a methodological reflection will be undertaken to support the implementation of a graded approach, in connection with the work of the European ALARA network.
Special attention will also be given to the reflections on the role, the development and the dissemination of the radiological protection culture for the public and workers. In addition, the CEPN will continue its reflections on the management of contaminated sites based on feedback experience and will contribute to the work in this field of the International Commission on Radiological Protection and the Nuclear Energy Agency.
Work programme
- Supporting the implementation of optimisation of radiological protection for the management of radon exposures through the dissemination of territorial approaches and the development of the radiological protection culture
- Facilitating the implementation of actions for developing awareness and skills for the management of radon exposures of the public and workers
- Analysis of radiological protection management framework in industries using NORMs
- Feedback analysis from the management of contaminated sites
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Category: Programme
Published: Wednesday, 10 April 2013 14:28
The CEPN will continue the analysis of the feedback experience from the management of the consequences of the accident at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant. The analysis will focus on the support of the populations by radiation protection experts, on the stakes associated with the agricultural and economic activities in the affected zones as well as on the organisation of the health and radiological surveillance. This reflection will be based on the involvement of the CEPN in the Dialogue Initiative of the International Commission on Radiological Protection and on the cooperation established with Japanese universities and organisations. It will contribute to the development of recommendations and strategies for post-accident preparedness and management at the national, European and international levels.
The CEPN will continue the analysis of the radiological protection issues related to the decommissioning of the damaged Fukushima-Daiichi power plant in order to draw lessons on the management of occupational exposures as well as on the approaches adopted to deal with the materials, waste and discharges resulting from these activities.
Work programme
- Feedback analysis from the management of post-accident situations
- Further work on the preparedness programme for institutional and local actors for the management of post-accident situations
- Deepening of the reflection on health and environmental surveillance frameworks
- Continuation of work on food and non-food products management in post-accident situations
- Feedback analysis on the radiological protection issues associated with the management of the damaged site of Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant