CEPN’s Mission: Contributing to the development of high-quality radiological protection

The CEPN Association was founded in 1976 to evaluate "Human protection in all its technical, health-related, economic and social aspects" in the nuclear domain. This objective was a response to the need to open up radiological protection to social sciences and to the emerging disciplines of risk assessment and management.

To fulfil this mission, CEPN has developed a centre for methodological review and studies on the evaluation and management of radiological risks, whose activities are based on both a forward-looking approach as well as on expertise rooted in radiological protection practice. The programme of the research group quickly focused on two main areas: the application of the optimisation principle for radiological protection and the comparison of the different health and environmental risks from the energy chain. At the end of the 1970s, the approach to evaluation and management of radiological risk was marked by the publication of new recommendations by the International Commission for Radiological Protection which introduced the optimisation principle (ALARA). This is a practical response to concerns regarding precautions which take into account the uncertainties associated with low doses of ionising radiation. Furthermore, CEPN has assisted in the development of the evaluation of health and environmental impacts of the nuclear industry, taking part in comparative studies of the risks from different energy industries, being carried out at international level. Since that time, developments in the methodology and practice of radiological protection systems have given greater consideration to the economic, social and ethical dimensions in the evaluation and management of risk.

These developments have contributed greatly to improvements in the quality and effectiveness of radiological protection, particularly through the practical application of the ALARA approach. More recently, CEPN has developed unique expertise in the social dimensions and methods of management of diverse situations involving radiological risk (waste, contaminated regions, radon...).
This work has been undertaken in partnership with other research teams, in particular as part of European projects which aimed to analyse the new challenges facing our societies in terms of risk-related activities and to research ways for better social management of industrial, natural and health-related risk. Hence, over more than three decades, CEPN has developed a large store of methodological, practical and historical knowledge concerning developments and experiences in radiological protection. This store of knowledge allows it to make original contributions to the evaluation and management of radiological risk and to the development of the radiological protection culture in the nuclear, industrial and medical fields.

CEPN Structure

Members of CEPN

CEPN Organisation

A Board composed of 7 members manages the CEPN. A multi-disciplinary Research Group performs the research and studies under the responsibility of a Director. A Scientific Council composed of radiation protection experts from French and European institutions and bodies evaluates the Research Scientific Program.

CEPN Resources

The total amount of CEPN’s annual resources is about €2 million. This amount comes from its own funds (33%) and contracts made with the nuclear industry, technical support organisations, authorities, expertise and control organisations, ministries and international organisations (67%).

CEPN Values

Implementation of a scientific excellence regarding research and expertise notably through the publication of the results and the evaluation of the work programme by a Scientific Council.

A precautionary approach for risks associated with low doses of ionising radiation.

Transparency on the work programme through the publication of the main achievements.

Autonomy in carrying out its missions.

Development of the work programme in interaction with stakeholders and dissemination of radiological protection culture.

Code of Ethics

Scientific Excellence

  • Design, analyze, document study and research activities in a thoughtful and meticulous manner.
  • Ensure rigor in the collection, acquisition, analysis, archiving of data, as well as in the communication and publication of results.
  • Ensure fair, honest and confidential use of data:
    • Do not commit acts of falsification, fabrication, or scientific plagiarism.
    • Comply with intellectual property rules.
    • Comply with the rules of confidentiality of information, data or new concepts obtained during studies and research work.
  • Ensure periodic consultation of the CEPN Scientific Council on studies and research work.
  • Ensure the maintenance of the team's skills and know-how.
  • Provide its employees with access to knowledge and ensure scientific monitoring of the group's study and research themes.
  • Take appropriate measures to preserve sources and results of work.


  • Follow and take into account international developments in knowledge of radiological risk assessment and management.
  • Promote a precautionary approach and the application of the ALARA principle (as low as reasonably achievable taking into account economic and societal factors) in the assessment and management of radiological risk.


  • Promote provisions allowing the publication of the group's main study and research results while respecting contractual commitments.
  • Respect the rights and rules concerning access to and processing of personal information.


  • Guide the study and research program in accordance with the objectives of the strategic plan and taking into account the recommendations of the Scientific Council.
  • Make timely and conscientious use of allocated funds.
  • Ensure that contracts or agreements relating to the results of studies and research include provisions guaranteeing the autonomy of the team to carry out its missions.

Openness to Society

  • Contribute to the training, sharing and transmission of knowledge, skills and best practices in the field of radiological risk assessment and management among stakeholders in radiation protection.
  • Support stakeholders in acquiring the skills necessary for their involvement in the processes of assessment and management of risks related to exposure to ionising radiation.
  • Respect the autonomy of judgment and decision of stakeholders in the processes implemented.

View/Download Code of Ethics of CEPN

CEPN Strenghts

CEPN’s staff includes the necessary skills and competences related to the technical, health, environmental, social and economic dimensions for the implementation of radiological protection.

The flexibility in the management of CEPN, project-oriented, favours responsiveness of the team for achieving the work programme.

Involved in the implementation of radiological protection in the various exposure situations, the team has an in-depth knowledge of the issues.

The recognition of CEPN’s contributions in the field of radiological protection results in the team's participation in the work of national and international radiological protection organisations.

As a result of its involvement in several international networks, the team has the ability to put into perspective the practical and regulatory issues associated with the implementation of radiological protection.

Past CEPN contributions

Main study and research topics developed by the CEPN since 1976 are:

  • The scientific basis of the evaluation and management of radiological risk
  • The implementation of the principle of optimisation of radiological protection at the design, operation and dismantling stages of nuclear facilities
  • The evaluation of the health and environmental impacts and associated external costs of the nuclear fuel cycle
  • The radiological protection of the population living in contaminated territories after a nuclear accident
  • The procedures to involve stakeholders in radiological protection
  • The economic and social aspects of radioactive waste management
  • The management of radon exposures
  • The dissemination of radiological protection culture

History of CEPN

The decision to create the CEPN was taken under the leadership of Dr. Henri Jammet, then Director of the Department of Protection of the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Georges Morlat, renowned statistician, then adviser to the Directorate General of Electricity of France (EDF), and Francis Fagnani, health economist, then Director of Research at INSERM.

The constitutive General Assembly was held on October 22, 1976 and the announcement of the creation of the Association published officially on December 11 of the same year.

The two founding members of CEPN are EDF and the CEA. In 1993, COGEMA became the third member, becoming Areva in 2001 and leaving the Association at the end of 2016.
IRSN became a member of CEPN in 2002 when it was setup.
Since 2017, the Association has had three members: EDF, CEA and IRSN, which will be replaced by ASNR in January 2025.

The first President of CEPN was Professor Maurice Tubiana and the first Director of the Research Group was Francis Fagnani.

In July 1979, the INSERM research group on risk assessment and preventive actions (FRA 50) is attached to CEPN. The group will become a few years later a full Research Unit (U-240) and continue with CEPN until 1989.

The Scientific Council of CEPN is created in 1985, succeeding in a Scientific Committee set up in 1976 and chaired by Georges Morlat from 1977 to 1985.

In March 1989, Jacques Lochard was appointed Director of the Research Group.
In January 2017, Thierry Schneider took over the management of CEPN.

The current chairman is Bernard LE GUEN (EDF).

People who chaired the Association are:

  • Maurice Tubiana
  • Henri Jammet
  • Pierre Tanguy
  • Jacques Lafuma
  • Annie Sugier
  • Jérôme Pelissier Tanon
  • Bernard Tinturier
  • Jean-Pierre Laurent
  • Daniel Quéniart
  • Dominique Minière
  • Hervé Bernard
  • Philippe Sasseigne
  • Bertrand de L’Epinois
  • Jean-Christophe Gariel
  • Patrick Fracas

The current chairman of Scientific Council is Sébastien BAECHLER (OFSP).

People who chaired the Scientific Council are:

  • Henri Jammet
  • Pierre Galle
  • Henri Loubergé
  • Serge Prêtre
  • Annie Sugier
  • Augustin Janssens
  • Eduardo Gallego

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In accordance with the provisions of the French Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, the identity of the various parties involved in its implementation and monitoring is specified to users of the site https://cepn.asso.fr/.

Edition of the site

The website is published by CEPN, a non-profit association (French law of 1901), whose head office is located at 28 rue de la Redoute, 92260 Fontenay-Aux-Roses (France), and whose declaration of creation was published in the Journal Officiel on 11/12/1976 (Publication No.: 19760106, Advertisement No.: 0140).

Publication Manager

Thierry Schneider, Director of CEPN


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