History of CEPN
- Details
- Category: Presentation
The decision to create the CEPN was taken under the leadership of Dr. Henri Jammet, then Director of the Department of Protection of the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Georges Morlat, renowned statistician, then adviser to the Directorate General of Electricity of France (EDF), and Francis Fagnani, health economist, then Director of Research at INSERM.
The constitutive General Assembly was held on October 22, 1976 and the announcement of the creation of the Association published officially on December 11 of the same year.
The two founding members of CEPN are EDF and the CEA. In 1993, COGEMA became the third member, becoming Areva in 2001 and leaving the Association at the end of 2016.
IRSN became a member of CEPN in 2002 when it was setup.
Since 2017, the Association has had three members: EDF, CEA and IRSN, which will be replaced by ASNR in January 2025.
The first President of CEPN was Professor Maurice Tubiana and the first Director of the Research Group was Francis Fagnani.
In July 1979, the INSERM research group on risk assessment and preventive actions (FRA 50) is attached to CEPN. The group will become a few years later a full Research Unit (U-240) and continue with CEPN until 1989.
The Scientific Council of CEPN is created in 1985, succeeding in a Scientific Committee set up in 1976 and chaired by Georges Morlat from 1977 to 1985.
In March 1989, Jacques Lochard was appointed Director of the Research Group.
In January 2017, Thierry Schneider took over the management of CEPN.
The current chairman is Bernard LE GUEN (EDF).
People who chaired the Association are:
- Maurice Tubiana
- Henri Jammet
- Pierre Tanguy
- Jacques Lafuma
- Annie Sugier
- Jérôme Pelissier Tanon
- Bernard Tinturier
- Jean-Pierre Laurent
- Daniel Quéniart
- Dominique Minière
- Hervé Bernard
- Philippe Sasseigne
- Bertrand de L’Epinois
- Jean-Christophe Gariel
- Patrick Fracas
The current chairman of Scientific Council is Sébastien BAECHLER (OFSP).
People who chaired the Scientific Council are:
- Henri Jammet
- Pierre Galle
- Henri Loubergé
- Serge Prêtre
- Annie Sugier
- Augustin Janssens
- Eduardo Gallego