Application of the Commission’s Recommendations: The Activities of ICRP Committee 4


Committee 4 of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) is responsible for developing principles, recommendations, and guidance on the protection of man against radiation exposure; and considering their practical application in all exposure

Read more: Application of the Commission’s Recommendations: The Activities of ICRP Committee 4

Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Circulatory Disease from Exposure to Low-Level Ionizing Radiation and Estimates of Potential Population Mortality Risks


Although high doses of ionizing radiation have long been linked to circulatory disease, evidence for an association at lower exposures remains controversial. However, recent analyses suggest excess relative risks at occupational exposure levels.

Read more: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Circulatory Disease from Exposure to Low-Level Ionizing...

International Survey on the Classification of Areas


At the request of the French Safety Authority (ASN), a survey has been conducted by the CEPN to identify the rules applicable to the delineation of and access to radiation protection regulated areas in seven countries: Belgium, Spain, United States, Finland, United Kingdom, Sweden and Switzerland. This oral communication summarises the principal conclusions of the international survey focusing of

Read more: International Survey on the Classification of Areas