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Category: Communications
Published: Wednesday, 07 June 2017 09:13
Gestion des sites contaminés par des activités du passé. Approche de la CIPR
Congrès National de la SFRP - Lille – 7 juin 2017.
Read more: Gestion des sites contaminés par des activités du passé. Approche de la CIPR
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Category: Communications
Published: Friday, 19 May 2017 10:13
Lessons learned from Living Conditions and Health Status of Populations living in affected territories after the Chernobyl and Fukushima accident - European SHAMISEN Project
Third NERIS Workshop – 19 May 2017
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Category: Communications
Published: Monday, 09 January 2017 11:26
ALARA Self-Evaluation Guide
The optimization principle is a comprehensive and iterative approach for using protection and safety measures to make radiation exposure, and the probability and magnitude of potential exposure, As Low As Reasonably Achievable or ALARA. The application of this principle for occupational radiation protection in nuclear power plants implies the elaboration of dedicated ALARA programmes. The evaluation of the efficiency of such programmes cannot be done using only dosimetric results, but should consider also other factors.
Read more: ALARA Self-Evaluation Guide
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Category: Communications
Published: Monday, 12 December 2016 11:20
La démarche d’optimisation de la radioprotection pour les expositions professionnelles
Cette présentation décrit les supports nécessaires pour une mise en œuvre structurée de la démarche d’optimisation. Elle souligne l’importance de l’organisation (identification des acteurs, de leurs rôle et responsabilité vis-à-vis de la radioprotection, mise en place de structures décisionnelles,...), des facteurs humains (obtenir un engagement de tous les acteurs an s’appuyant notamment sur des actions de formation, de sensibilisation et sur le développement d’une culture de radioprotection), des procédures (selon un processus cyclique : préparation, mise en œuvre, suivi et REX des interventions) et des outils (logiciels, plans d’action…). Des éléments relatifs aux spécificités des Installations Nucléaires de Base et des activités du Nucléaire de Proximité sont également fournis.
Read more: La démarche d’optimisation de la radioprotection pour les expositions professionnelles
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Category: Communications
Published: Tuesday, 27 September 2016 10:51
5th ICRP International Expert Symposium in Fukushima on Radiation and Health, Fukushima Medical University, Japan, 27 September 2016.
Read more: From Chernobyl to Fukushima : What ICRP has learned with Japanese Stakeholders?
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Category: Communications
Published: Friday, 03 June 2016 23:13
C. Schieber - ISOE/ETC
2016 ISOE International Symposium, Brussels, 1-3 June 2016
The 2016 ISOE International Symposium on Occupational Exposure Management at Nuclear Facilities, was organized by the European Technical Centre of the Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE), in collaboration with and the support of ENGIE Electrabel and the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (FANC). The Symposium was held in Brussels, Belgium, from the 1st to the 3rd of June 2016. It was co-sponsored by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This presentation concluded the Symposium, presenting the nominated distinguished oral and poster presentations as well as the main outcomes from the Symposium. The Symposium proceedings are available on the ISOE website.
Read more: Conclusions from the 2016 ISOE International Symposium, Brussels, 1-3 June 2016
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Category: Communications
Published: Tuesday, 26 April 2016 14:56
SRP Annual Conference, Llandudno, 26-28 April 2016.
Radiation Protection culture is a topic of specific interest for the French Society for Radiological Protection (SFRP). The preparation of the IRPA guiding principles for establishing a radiation protection culture, published in 2014 and endorsed by SFRP in 2015, was initially suggested and supported by SFRP, considering the importance of promoting radiation protection culture within organisations in order to ensure a good and well understood implementation of the radiological protection system [1].
The aim of this presentation is to outline some of the key components of the radiation protection culture and its role for the implementation of the ALARA principle for occupational exposure in the nuclear industry. Some elements regarding the development of RP culture within the French utility EDF and the main challenges for the future are also discussed.
Read more: Radiation Protection Culture in the French Nuclear Industry