What might be the role of the radiological protection expert in post-accident situations? - Some lessons from the Fukushima-Daïchi NPP accident.


2nd EGRM meeting, Bristol, United-Kingdom, 1-2 October 2019.


Feedback experiences from Fukushima and Chernobyl situations have clearly shown the importance of involving local stakeholders living in contaminated territories for the rehabilitation of their daily life. In this context, this presentation aimed to better address the role of radiological protection experts in the recovery phase of post-nuclear accident situation, in mainly relying on the analysis of local initiatives implemented in the Fukushima Prefecture following March 2011. More particularly, this presentation discussed to which extent radiological protection experts can help local population to address challenges they are facing, through the implementation of co-expertise processes and the associated ethical issues and values they should embody. The last part of this presentation focused on two current challenges at stake in the Fukushima prefecture and dealing with the dissemination of the co-expertise process to all affected communities, as well as the sustainability of these approaches over time. As a conclusion, the presentation suggested some recommendations in order to better prepare radiological protection experts.

