CEPN’s Mission: Contributing to the development of high-quality radiological protection

The CEPN Association was founded in 1976 to evaluate "Human protection in all its technical, health-related, economic and social aspects" in the nuclear domain. This objective was a response to the need to open up radiological protection to social sciences and to the emerging disciplines of risk assessment and management.

To fulfil this mission, CEPN has developed a centre for methodological review and studies on the evaluation and management of radiological risks, whose activities are based on both a forward-looking approach as well as on expertise rooted in radiological protection practice. The programme of the research group quickly focused on two main areas: the application of the optimisation principle for radiological protection and the comparison of the different health and environmental risks from the energy chain. At the end of the 1970s, the approach to evaluation and management of radiological risk was marked by the publication of new recommendations by the International Commission for Radiological Protection which introduced the optimisation principle (ALARA). This is a practical response to concerns regarding precautions which take into account the uncertainties associated with low doses of ionising radiation. Furthermore, CEPN has assisted in the development of the evaluation of health and environmental impacts of the nuclear industry, taking part in comparative studies of the risks from different energy industries, being carried out at international level. Since that time, developments in the methodology and practice of radiological protection systems have given greater consideration to the economic, social and ethical dimensions in the evaluation and management of risk.

These developments have contributed greatly to improvements in the quality and effectiveness of radiological protection, particularly through the practical application of the ALARA approach. More recently, CEPN has developed unique expertise in the social dimensions and methods of management of diverse situations involving radiological risk (waste, contaminated regions, radon...).
This work has been undertaken in partnership with other research teams, in particular as part of European projects which aimed to analyse the new challenges facing our societies in terms of risk-related activities and to research ways for better social management of industrial, natural and health-related risk. Hence, over more than three decades, CEPN has developed a large store of methodological, practical and historical knowledge concerning developments and experiences in radiological protection. This store of knowledge allows it to make original contributions to the evaluation and management of radiological risk and to the development of the radiological protection culture in the nuclear, industrial and medical fields.