Main challenges for the implementation of the ICRP recommendations: Recent and future developments


Radiation Protection. Journal of China Society of Radiation Protection (CIRP)


Following the publication of the general recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) in 2007, several developments have been made to address the challenges associated with the implementation of these recommendations into practice. Notably, the introduction of the three types of exposure situations (i.e. planned, existing and emergency exposure situations) for managing the radiological protection has led to further investigate their application in several domains such as industrial activities involving naturally occurring radioactive materials and emergency and recovery situations following a nuclear accident. This paper highlights the main issues addressed in some recent publications and on-going with a focus on the development related to the ethical foundations of the radiological protection system, the application of the radiological protection system for managing existing exposure situations and the integration of the environmental radiological protection in the ICRP system of protection. Finally, the aims of the new Task Groups set up in 2022 related to the application of the radiological protection system are presented.

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