CEPN is a non-profit organisation created in 1976 to establish a research and development centre in the fields of optimisation of radiological protection and comparison of health and environmental risks associated with energy systems.

The studies are undertaken by a group of a dozen of engineers and economists. The research programme is evaluated by a Scientific Council.

The association currently has three members: the French public electricity generating utility (EDF), the Institute of Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) and the French Alternatives Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).

CEPN is a a non-profit organisation created in 1976 to establish a research and development centre in the fields of optimisation of radiological protection and comparison of health and environmental risks associated with energy systems.

Recent publications

NERIS: The European Platform on Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery


Oral Presentation at the Fourth Regional European IRPA Congress ‘Radiation Protection Culture-A Global Challenge’, Geneva, Switzerland, 23-27 June 2014.



The NERIS platform was established in June 2010 to encourage European, national, regional and local authorities, technical support organisation, operators, professional organisations, research institutes, universities, and non-governmental organisations to co-operate and to facilitate access expertise and technology in maintaining competence in the field of nuclear emergency management and recovery for the benefit of European countries and citizens.

49 organisations are members of the NERIS Platform from 24 countries and 20 members are supporting organisations. The NERIS Association has been registered in August 2012 as a legal European Association under the French Law. It is operated by a management board of 10 members and the NERIS R&D Committee elaborates its strategic orientation. A secretariat is in charge of the technical administration (e.g. website - www.eu-neris.net -, publication of ‘Newsletters’).

3 Working Groups have been set up:

  • on « the practical implementation of the ICRP recommendations »;
  • on « processes and tools for emergency and rehabilitation preparedness at community level »;
  • on “Contaminated Goods”

Users group on decision support systems are also working under the umbrella of the NERIS Platform: the RODOS Users Group (RUG) and the “Handbook user group”.

The NERIS Platform also supports the organisation of training courses on “Usage of the new products for supporting the management team” organised by VUJE, "Preparedness and Response for Nuclear or Radiological Emergencies" organised by SCK·CEN and “Late Phase Nuclear Accident Preparedness and Management” organised by CEPN.

 The NERIS Platform is linked to research projects, managed by KIT:

  • NERIS TP “Towards a self sustaining European Technology Platform on Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery”.
  • PREPARE project on innovative integrative tools and platforms to be prepared for radiological emergencies and post-accident response in Europe.

To set up a common reflection, cooperations have been established with European and international organisations: HERCA, ALLIANCE, CRPPH, ICRP and AIEA. To share issues on lessons learnt from the Fukushima accident, cooperation have been initiated with IGES (Institute for Global Environment Strategies) and with the Fukushima University.

The NERIS Platform is also involved in the steering committee of the EC Project OPERRA, aiming at structuring the research in the field of radiation protection at the horizon 2020.

This paper will present the key components of the NERIS Platform and its objectives.

Download communication A1188

Exhibitions / Projects

Vous avez dit Radioprotection ?

Vous avez dit Radioprotection ?

Did you Say Radiation Protection? Stories of X-Rays, Radioactivity, etc …” is a traveling exhibition devoted to radiation protection, that is to say all the means to protect workers, the public and the environment from potentially harmful effects of X-rays and of radioactivity.

La robe et le nuage

Robe et Nuage

La robe et le nuage propose au lecteur une plongée dans le monde de la radioactivité qui n'a rien d'un pensum pour physiciens avertis. Bien au contraire, l'ouvrage, destiné au grand public, s'attache à retracer l'histoire des rayons X et de la radioactivité, ainsi que celle de son nécessaire pendant : la radioprotection. Rédigé par un spécialiste français du sujet et une journaliste scientifique, il aide à mieux comprendre la radioactivité, de La robe de Marie Curie au nuage de Tchernobyl.

ETHOS in Belarus

ETHOS en Biélorussie

Le projet européen ETHOS avait pour but d’améliorer durablement les conditions de vie des habitants des villages dont la vie quotidienne a été fortement affectée par la présence à long terme de contamination radioactive à la suite de l’accident de Tchernobyl. Il s’agissait d’une nouvelle démarche pluridisciplinaire basée sur une implication forte de la population dans l’évaluation et la gestion du risque radiologique en concertation avec les autorités locales, régionales et nationales et des experts biélorusses.